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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to English in the Media

Welcome to the English in the media Blog site. This course is designed to give students exposure to English in a variety of different ways. Students will not only listen, watch, or read, but discuss, analyse and respond to the material in a variety of ways.

You will be required to access this site and follow the instructions on a week by week basis.
Steven Mondy

Access to a computer with MP3 capability
Quicktime player (available free through apple at

Monday, September 27, 2010

Myths and Mysteries

Listen to the following three podcasts about getting the Flu and what we should do about it. Try to familiarize yourself with the topic and get yourself ready to discuss the topic in class.

1. Flu Season
(click here)
Peter Brennan and Wendy Kay dispel or affirm many of the urban myths and mysteries that people have readily accepted for decades.

2. Getting the Flu... (click here)
Peter Brennan and Wendy Kay dispel or affirm many of the urban myths and mysteries that people have readily accepted for decades.

3. You should go to the doctor... (click here)

Myths & MysteriesPeter Brennan and Wendy Kay dispel or affirm many of the urban myths and mysteries that people have readily accepted for decades.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Myths and Mysteries: Activities and Discussion 1

Scientists closer to cure for cold

(click here) to do an interactive activity.

So everyone,

have you listened to the three episodes of myths and mysteries?
1. Should we go to the doctor when we have the flu or a cold?
According to the listening, there is nothing that the doctor can give you that will help kill viruses!
These days, Tamiflu is the new wonder drug that many people in Japan are taking to get over a flu?
  • So should we rely on this drug, or be careful?
  • Can it really help?
  • Also, how do you know if you have the flu, or just a common cold?
  • Check out the following website:
2. If you've had the flu this year, it will prevent you from getting the flu again.
Well, according to the listening, this is incorrect. There are so many varieties of the flu, there's nothing stopping you from getting a different strain of the flu virus.

3. Having the flu vaccine will give me the flu.
According to the listening, the flu vaccine is made with inactivated organisms that cannot cause the virus.

Discuss the difference between a myth and a superstition. Are they the same or different?
You might want to check out the following Wikipedia sites....
Good luck with your research, and always be ready to discuss it....
Steven Mondy
Should we take Tamiflu? Watch the video...

Cold and flu remedies?